This small buck was the only deer that came close to my stand after a very uneventful first season. I was cold and ready to fill the only tag I got for the season. This was the first deer I harvested on my girlfriends family's land. I sat on the South East corner of the small woods. After seeing several deer run down the West edge of the woods I did a little grunt calling to see if could get anything to come my way. After about 20 minutes since the group went by this small button buck walked up with in 30 yards of my stand. I made the shot and he ran towards the West. After waiting awhile I decided to rack the deer. I walked the woods looking for sign and by what I found I guessed it wouldn't be long. I blood trailed South down a fence row and when I looked up I saw the buck standing about 50 yards from me. I headed back to the house to give him some more time to pass on. After a couple hours the Uncles were done with their hunt so I went back to find my deer. After blood trailing up to where I last saw him I lost the trail. One of the uncle walking on the other side of the fence row spooked him up and he ran into the field about 20 feet and that was the end of him. This young button buck was taken December 1st 2004 with Charles Daly Maxi Mag 12 gauge pump.